Hilfreiche Links
PHBV3 - Umfangreiches Handbuch, 300 Seiten EVE-Einsteigerkompendium (Klassiker) - http://dd.phbv3.de/phbv3/
Fitting Tools
EVE Fitting Tool - EFT version 2.31.1 (Released: 2 September 2015) - https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=24359
Pyfa - Python Fitting Assistant - http://www.pyfa.net
Osmium — a browser-based fitting tool and loadout sharing platform - https://o.smium.org
Maps and mapping tools
Evelopedia Territorial maps (Linksammlung) - https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Territorial_maps
DOTLAN EveMaps - http://evemaps.dotlan.net
Eve Online Influence Sovereignity map - http://dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png
Eve Online Faction Warfare Influence Map - http://dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/veritefw/FWinfluence.png
Pathfinder - Fleet Mapping (beta) - https://www.pathfinder.exodus4d.de
Tripwire - Wormhole mapping - https://tripwire.eve-apps.com
Interactive Ore Mining Yield Calculation Spreadsheet
Moon Mining
Moon Mining calculator - Moon Goo Profitability - http://skyride.org/quickmath/moongoo
Planetary Interaction (PI)
Planetary Interaction Guide von Goofman - http://carebearinspace.blogspot.de/p/planetary-interaction-guide.html
PI Planning Gadget - http://evegadgets.com/#/pi
EVE Ships Gallery by Ceekt http://oeg-home.ru/blog/2009/07/22/eve-online-ships-gallery
EVE Videos
CCP Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ccpgames
PHBV3 - Umfangreiches Handbuch, 300 Seiten EVE-Einsteigerkompendium (Klassiker) - http://dd.phbv3.de/phbv3/
Fitting Tools
EVE Fitting Tool - EFT version 2.31.1 (Released: 2 September 2015) - https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=24359
Pyfa - Python Fitting Assistant - http://www.pyfa.net
Osmium — a browser-based fitting tool and loadout sharing platform - https://o.smium.org
Maps and mapping tools
Evelopedia Territorial maps (Linksammlung) - https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Territorial_maps
DOTLAN EveMaps - http://evemaps.dotlan.net
Eve Online Influence Sovereignity map - http://dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png
Eve Online Faction Warfare Influence Map - http://dl.eve-files.com/media/corp/veritefw/FWinfluence.png
Pathfinder - Fleet Mapping (beta) - https://www.pathfinder.exodus4d.de
Tripwire - Wormhole mapping - https://tripwire.eve-apps.com
Interactive Ore Mining Yield Calculation Spreadsheet
Moon Mining
Moon Mining calculator - Moon Goo Profitability - http://skyride.org/quickmath/moongoo
Planetary Interaction (PI)
Planetary Interaction Guide von Goofman - http://carebearinspace.blogspot.de/p/planetary-interaction-guide.html
PI Planning Gadget - http://evegadgets.com/#/pi
EVE Ships Gallery by Ceekt http://oeg-home.ru/blog/2009/07/22/eve-online-ships-gallery
EVE Videos
CCP Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ccpgames